Acoustic methods offer objective solutions for (a) the documentation of most vocal phenomena both quantitatively and qualitatively, (b) the measurement of specific aspects of voice signals, and consequently (c) the tracking of voice across time and interventions. As such, acoustic voice analysis continues to form one of the corner stones in clinical as well as scientific voice assessment, regardless of the speech-language pathology or laryngology area. Furthermore, not only in those with a voice disorder, but also persons with hearing impairment, dysarthria, laryngectomy, head and neck cancer, etc. can encounter problems in both the production and the sound of the airborne voice signal. Phonanium has therefore developed several clinical software tools for acoustic analysis of voice to be at all voice and speech clinicians’ disposal.
Phonanium’s intensive course on the Clinical Assessment of Acoustic Voice Signals (CAAVS) already has an international history with well-reviewed live trainings. But now the time has come to provide this course remote/online.
This four-sessions intensive course is especially designed to give participants theoretical insights in as well as practical mastery over acoustic voice assessment using Phonanium’s tools in the program Praat. There will be:
- presentations,
- live demonstrations,
- Q&A as well as discussion,
- exercises,
- hands-on workshops with purchased software (Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab).
Click the following link to download the flyer (in PDF) with all the information about this four-sessions intensive course: Flyer – CAAVS-Online – 2025 – Spring and Fall.
After having followed this CAAVS all participants will:
receive a personalized certificate of attendance;
receive a personalized CAAVS certified emblem (that can be used on their website, on their documents, in their social media posts, as a footer in their e-mails, etc.);
- be added, upon their own approval, to the published list of CAAVS CERTIFIED VOICE AND SPEECH CLINICIANS/SCIENTISTS (or click here).
Do you want to know how this previous editions of this course were evaluated by participants?
- Wilrijk (2019).
- Fort Worth (2019).
- Liège (2019).
- Online (2020).
Phonanium’s plug-in entitled ‘Clinical Voice Lab v.01.03’ contains a complete set of scripts (together with links to tutorial video’s) to learn about the following items in your clinical voice/speech recordings using the program Praat:
- vocal fundamental frequency,
- vocal intensity level,
- vocal range estimation,
- spectrographic analyses,
- cepstrographic analyses,
- speech-to-noise ratio / voice-to-noise ratio (quality of sound recordings),
- Acoustic Voice Quality Index, and
- Dysphonia Severity Index.
Furthermore, Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab v.01.03 also contains tools to deal with relevant demographic information of patients/subjects, and to manage the calibration of your vocal intensity level measurements:
- new file – personal information, and
- intensity level calibration report.
This complete set (or plug-in) necessitates only a single download. This makes it much more easy to install on your computer (instead of having to download all distinct scripts) and to use all these functionalities/tools for the clinical/scientific assessment of vocally normal and/or voice-disordered patients, subjects and students.
Click here for additional information.
Participants of this four-sessions course will be able to purchase Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab v.01.02 at only 76% of its original price.
To explain about clinical voice acoustics …
Basic information on sound recording quality and choice of microphone, sound level calibration, interesting aspects of the acoustic voice signal, and reliability and validity of acoustic voice measures, will be presented in the context of clinical voice assessment.
To know and to apply clinical voice acoustics.
Theory will be replaced by practice: working with the basic function of the program Praat, interpretation of narrow-band spectrograms, installation of and training with Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab, calibration of your audio recording system.
In the context of clinical assessment of acoustic voice signals, the learner will:
- identify the importance of quality of sound recordings;
- improve the quality of sound recordings;
- explain acoustic markers in the different acoustic measurement domains;
- identify the importance of calibration of sound intensity measurements;
- recognize aspects relevant to voiced sound production;
- identify characteristics of the program Praat;
- apply Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab to case studies.
Pre-course assignments
A good start is half the battle!
- Speed-dating with the program Praat … exercises with some basic functions of the program Praat.
- Submersion in the literature of clinical voice acoustics.
Wednesday September 08, 2025 — 16:00-20:00 (Central European Time, CET) — 09:00-13:00 (Central Standard Time US, CST)
Amusetics … unblocking paths to high-standard acoustic methods in clinical voice assessment!
- 16:00—16:15 (CET) 09:00—09:15 (CST) Clinical voice assessment anno 2021 … and the role of acoustic methods.
- 16:15—18:15 (CET) 09:15—11:15 (CST) Criteria for high-quality voice/speech recordings in the clinic. (Part 1)
- 18:15—18:30 (CET) 11:15—11:30 (CST) Break (time for a snack).
- 18:30—20:00 (CET) 11:30—13:00 (CST) Criteria for high-quality voice/speech recordings in the clinic. (Part 2)
Wednesday September 16, 2025 — 16:00-20:00 (Central European Time, CET) — 09:00-13:00 (Central Standard Time US, CST)
Numbers and graphs from acoustic voice signals … what’s the meaning of it all?
- 16:00—18:00 (CET) 09:00—11:00 (CST) Clinically fascinating facets of the acoustic voice signal. (Part 1)
- 18:00—18:15 (CET) 11:00—11:15 (CST) Break (time for a snack).
- 18:15—19:15 (CET) 11:15—12:15 (CST) Clinically fascinating facets of the acoustic voice signal. (Part 2)
- 19:15—20:00 (CET) 12:15—13:00 (CST) The ‘Acoustic Voice Quality Index’ story … toward measuring dysphonia severity.
Wednesday October 08, 2025 — 16:00-20:00 (Central European Time, CET) — 09:00-13:00 (Central Standard Time US, CST)
Additional features for correct interpretation and clinical use of acoustic voice measures.
- 16:00—17:00 (CET) 09:00—10:00 (CST) How loud is your voice? Toward a method for calibrating sound level measures in the voice clinic.
- 17:00—18:30 (CET) 10:00—11:30 (CST) Hold on a minute … what about reliability and validity related to acoustic voice measures?
- 18:30—18:45 (CET) 11:30—11:45 (CST) Break (time for a snack).
- 18:45—20:00 (CET) 11:45—13:00 (CST) Let’s talk about specific features: tremor, onset, tension, etc.
Wednesday October 16, 2025 — 16:00-20:00 (Central European Time, CET) — 09:00-13:00 (Central Standard Time US, CST)
From theory to praatice … clinical voice acoustics with Phonanium!
- 16:00—17:00 (CET) 09:00—10:00 (CST) What you see is what you hear … spectrographic explorations in the peculiarities of voiced sounds!
- 17:00—18:00 (CET) 10:00—11:00 (CST) DIY… interpretation of and discussion on real spectrography examples.
- 18:00—18:15 (CET) 11:00—11:15 (CST) Break (time for a snack).
- 18:15—19:00 (CET) 11:15—12:00 (CST) Demo … how to use Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab for acoustic voice signal assesment?
- 19:00—20:00 (CET) 12:00—13:00 (CST) Future perspectives, Q&A, … wrapping up!
Youri Maryn (PhD) works as a clinical speech-language pathologist at the European Institute for ORL-HNS (Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, ZAS Augustinus Hospital, Wilrijk, Belgium — He also teaches on acoustic phonetics at University of Ghent and on voice disorders at Ghent University College. He serves as board member of the Flemish Association for Speech-Language Therapists. He publishes on voice disorder management and acoustics, and he speaks at (inter)national voice meetings. His specific topics of interest are clinical voice assessment, voice disorder management, voice/speech acoustics and oral versus nasal speech production. In 2017, he founded Phonanium (, a company dedicated to providing all voice and speech pathologists with information on and software tools for clinical acoustic analyses.
Click here for his curriculum vitae.
Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer (PhD, CCC-SLP) at University of Utah Health (Salt Lake City, UT, USA) —
Youri Maryn (PhD) at Phonanium (Lokeren, Belgium) —
- Registration is on a ‘first come, first served’ basis … so make sure to secure your seat fast.
- Registration is only possible at this webpage.
- Click for every participant on the ‘Add to cart‘ button above, then click on the ‘Checkout‘ button on the left side of this page, and then follow the checking-out and payment procedure to complete your registration.
- Registration deadline: August 25, 2025.
Financial – Youri Maryn (PhD) owns Phonanium (Lokeren, Belgium) and receives royalty payments from the sale of voice analysis products and related courses. He is employed by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, ZAS Augustinus Hospital (Wilrijk, Belgium); serves as professor at University College Ghent and University of Ghent, for which he receives salaries. He is executive board member of Vlaamse Vereniging voor Logopedisten (Flemish Association of Speech-Language Therapists) for which he also receives a salary.
Nonfinancial – Youri Maryn (PhD) is post-doctoral researcher at University of Antwerp and receives no compensation for this.
Four-sessions course:
EUR €805 — USD $~835 (depending on money exchange rate at time of registration).
This fee includes:
- registration and course participation (see the program for more information regarding content),
- purchase of Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab v.01.03 (click here for more information or read below) at only 76 %,
- presentations, slides and background literature,
- learning on how to work with Phonanium’s Clinical Voice Lab v.01.03 and to interpret its outputs,
VAT is excluded.
Participants are requested:
- to have their clinical voice assessment computer;
- to have their additional equipment (audio interface, microphone, cables, …) available.
ASHA CEUs are requested.
The maximum number of course participants is: 15.
Please contact us with questions, doubts, etc.:
- by phone during office hours (CET): +32 (0)478 377454;
- by e-mail: